Antibiotic Resistance & Your Health

Antibiotic Resistance & Your Health

This programme on antibiotic use  (below link) re-screened Sunday 11th June on Prime TV. It investigates the rise of antibiotic resistance and its ‘super-bug’ consequences.  It will make you question the relevance of antibiotic use in relation to your own...


It is the time of year for socialising, catching up with friends and family, end of year events, and holiday time.  If you have worked hard all year to keep good health, and want to minimise the effects of the festive season, here are some tips to help you. Stay...

Strength training is ridiculously good for females

Weight-lifting brings tangible results and is hugely satisfying. It’s becoming increasingly popular for women, but many still fear they’ll soon resemble body-builders, rather than create the lean physique they desire. I have witnessed the changes by females that I...


The biggest spring allergy trigger is pollen. Trees, grasses, and weeds release these tiny grains into the air to fertilize other plants. When they get into the nose of someone who’s allergic, they send the body’s defences into overload, with many of the...

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