Moderate and High Intensity Cardio

Moderate and High Intensity Cardio

With so many different types of cardio exercise out there to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is best for you and your goals. If you’re trying to improve your cariovascular conditioning, you may be left wondering if you should be doing Moderate...
Healthy Holidays: Avoid the bulge

Healthy Holidays: Avoid the bulge

This holiday season don’t be trendy – avoid the Seasonal Seven (the average weight in kilos that the New Zealanders gains between 1 December and 6 January). That’s one trend you don’t want to partake in! Since the holidays are traditionally a time for entertaining and...
How ‘old’ is your immune system?

How ‘old’ is your immune system?

How ‘old’ is your immune system? Clinical Nutritionist Di McCauley (BHSc (, MH) With Covid-19 causing death, disruption & disconnection across the globe, it has also introduced us to many new terms that we have become all too familiar with; Lockdown,...

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