Janes Visit To Cleveland Clinic

Janes Visit To Cleveland Clinic

Institute of Functional Medicine Cleveland I have been very fortunate to have had a 3-week holiday in North America.  Within the three weeks we managed to visit San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Toronto, Muskoka Lakes, Chicago, and Cleveland. While planning our trip I...
Healthy Ageing Topic Two – Why Worry?

Healthy Ageing Topic Two – Why Worry?

Healthy Ageing Topic Two: Protecting and supporting energy production In this 2nd part of our focus on Healthy Ageing we discuss the importance of protecting the mitochondria; the critical compartment within the cell that is focussed on energy production and...

Healthy Ageing Topic One – Diabetes Type 3 (Alzheimer’s)

Healthy ageing is my new favourite health focus. It used to be that I was worried only about my hormones and so ageing was not something that I really thought about until just lately. Although I have only just recently hit the 40’s, I can’t help but think about how...
What is Intermittent Fasting?

What is Intermittent Fasting?

WHAT IS INTERMITTENT FASTING?  by Mint Clinical Nutritionist – Claudia Oxford-Gonzalez We are constantly being asked about intermittent fasting, a dietary approach that is very popular at the moment. Firstly, fasting is something that has been around for...

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